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Electronic Commerce and Data Science

Philosophy: E-Technolgy marries Commerce

China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) has started the undergraduate program of e-commerce since 2002. The program lasts for 4 years and students will be awarded a bachelor's degree in management. The program was approved as the key construction program of Jiangsu Province in 2012, the national first-class undergraduate program construction point and brand major of Jiangsu Province in 2022. It is a member of the Joint Laboratory of E-commerce and E-government in National Universities and the Virtual Teaching and Research Office of E-commerce of the Ministry of Education. There are 18 full-time teachers, including 4 professors, 11 associate professors.

This program has distinctive characteristics and focuses on the cultivation of students' innovation ability. Firstly, it has constructed EC-CDIO talent cultivation mode, focusing on cultivating innovative talents with e-commerce product creativity, technology development and data operation ability; secondly, it established academic tutoring system, whereby undergraduates enter the tutor's project group in their sophomore year to carry out explorations and researches in the frontier field of e-commerce. In the past three years, students have undertaken more than 20 innovation and entrepreneurship projects for college students at the provincial and ministerial levels, published more than 10 academic papers, and won more than 10 national awards including the Grand Prize of the Grand Final of National College Students' E-commerce "Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship" Challenge Competition.