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The undergraduate major Accounting of CUMT was created in 1983. In 1993, CUMT was granted the right to confer academic master’s degree in accounting. In 2006 Accounting of our school became one of the first batch of Jiangsu Provincial “Brand Majors”. Then in 2010, accounting was approved as the “National Characteristic Major Building Base” one of the 11 building bases of "985" and "211" universities in China, and one of the 3 construction sites of universities in Jiangsu Province. And in the same year, our school obtained the degree conferment right of MPAcc. One year later, accounting became “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” Core Building Majors of Jiangsu Province. In 2013, independently add and establish the doctoral programme of “Financial Management System Engineering”. In 2017. It was selected as one of the six Brand Majors Building Bases in the CUMT “13th Five-Year Plan”. In 2019, Accounting became a state first-class undergraduate major building base. With a history of nearly 40 years, our school has formed a multi-level talent cultivation pattern of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs.

By 31 December 2023, Department of Accounting (DA) has 22 full-time faculty, of which more than 95% gained doctor degree and more than 77% are professors and associate professors. In recent years, accounting faculty have presided over more than 40 national and provincial level scientific research projects, 10+ teachers have been selected into the university and provincial level talent cultivation programs. DA also won many distinct titles like: CUMT excellent scientific research and innovation team, CUMT excellent teaching and research group, CUMT teaching and educating vanguard team.

The accounting program has explored and formed a talent cultivation mode that combines knowledge transfer and innovation and entrepreneurship ability to achieve the transformation of "accounting talents to management talents", "knowledge talents to quality talents", and "employment talents to entrepreneurial and innovative talents".

The average employment rate of accounting graduates in recent years has reached more than 98%. A large number of graduates are serving as executives and business backbones in listed companies, foreign enterprises and famous accounting firms. The accounting program of China University of Mining and Technology has become the cradle of CFOs for large enterprises in Huaihai Economic Zone and energy resources industry.