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Big Data Management Science

Department of Big Data Management Science (DBDMS) has 18 full-time faculty, including 6 professors, 7 associate professors, 5 lecturers, among which 16 gained doctor degrees. Besides, 2 post-docs joined DBDMS in recent two years. 25% of the DBDMS faculty were rated as excellent academic or scientific young talents in provincial level projects like Jiangsu Province "333" Project, Jiangsu Universities’ "Green and Blue Project", “Jiangsu's Six Talent Peaks” Project etc. In the past five years, faculty in DBDMS have undertaken and completed 15 national level projects, 13 provincial and ministerial level projects, published 200+ SCI, SSC1 and CSSCI papers and 10+ monographs or textbooks.

DBDMS established a talent cultivation mode based on career value chain, and created the "Five Abilities" mode of intelligent decision-making, which emphasizes the abilities of self-cognition, communication and cooperation, organizational promotion, decision-making and leadership, and adaptability and innovation.  With the distinctive features in the teaching of scientific knowledge, the refinement of professional skills, and the enhancement of comprehensive quality, it formed a multi-level education pattern for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs.

Relying on the doctor program of Management Science and Engineering ( key program of Jiangsu Province), the major of "Big Data Management Science" focuses on cultivating students with innovative entrepreneurial spirit and international vision, who are proficient in statistical analysis, operations research and optimization, big data modelling and decision-making technology, methods and tools, and can be trailblazers in the fields of  big data management and governance, data mining and modelling, big data analysis and intelligent decision-making, data analysis and smart decision-making, and big data analysis and intelligent decision-making, big data strategic planning.

Adhering to the education and teaching philosophy of "Explore Values, Build the Future" and insisting on "using DATA to 'talk','decide','manage',and 'innovate' ", DBDMS devoted to cultivate talents and carry out scientific research in the areas of energy economy, safety and environmental protection, business intelligence.