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Doctoral Programs

  Management Science and Engineering   First-level Discipline

Management Science and Engineering is a discipline that uses the theories and methods of system science and system engineering as the main tools to study the general laws and special performance of management systems and economic systems, and it is an emerging interdisciplinary discipline formed by the intersection, fusion, and penetration of different disciplines, such as system science, management science, economics, computer science, operations research, dialectical logic, and so on. The discipline focuses on linking theory with practice, emphasizes the combination of cutting-edge theories and the actual problems of China's economic and social development, and discovers the laws of management, explains the management phenomena and guides the management practice through scientific and rigorous quantitative research.

Management Science and Engineering of China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) is a first-level doctoral program, including four second-level doctoral programs in Management Science and Engineering, Engineering Management, Financial Engineering and Risk Management, and Financial Management Systems Engineering. The discipline formally enrolled undergraduates in 1954, was granted the right to confer master's degree in 1981 and doctoral degree in 1986, was recognized as a key discipline at the ministerial level in 1995, became one of the earliest 15 postdoctoral research stations in China in 1998, was recognized as a key discipline in Jiangsu Province in 2002, was selected as a cultivation point of national key disciplines in Jiangsu Province in 2005, and was one of the key disciplines of the "12th Five-Year Plan" and the "13th Five-Year Plan" of the Jiangsu Provincial Government. The discipline was ranked 19th in the third round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education in 2012, and was rated B+ in the fourth and fifth rounds of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education, and was selected as an advantageous discipline in Jiangsu Province in 2018.