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SEM is the third batch (1998) of MBA training institutions approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, and it is one of the earliest universities in China to carry out MBA professional degree postgraduate training. In the past 22 years, with the strong driving force of China's rapid economic development, SEM relies on its featuring energy and resources and gives full play to the resource advantages of SEM and the research results in the fields of organizational behavior and safety management, financial theory and environmental accounting, financial theory and risk management and control, strategic management, and consumption behavior. Taking international vision, local action, integration of theory and practice, and business elites as the development orientation and mission of running a school, SEM pays attention to the combination of theory and practice and aims at cultivating business elites and professional managers who are industry-oriented and ready to serve the local economy, advance social progress, lead business civilization, promote enterprise reform, with a Chinese cultural heritage and international strategic vision, systematic management expertise, and excellent practical ability.

Under the auspice of competent authorities relevant to the program, including China's Ministry of Education, CUMT, and National MBA Education Steering Committee, and with the strong support of the energy industry, national, provincial, and local governments, cooperative enterprises and institutions as well as the joint efforts of all teachers and students, the MBA program of CUMT has trained 2,000+ senior management talents for the government, enterprises and various social organizations, who are engaged in various industries such as energy, manufacturing, service, finance, IT, medical treatment and communication. After professional studies, training, and growth in management practice, many outstanding alumni have emerged among them. With a strong sense of mission to create wealth for the country and deliver benefits for the people, they have made outstanding contributions to economic development and social progress, winning wide acclaim.

SEM offers part-time MBA programs, spanning 3 academic years and students can complete their studies and graduate within a flexible period of 2-5 years. The education center is located in the Nanhu Campus of CUMT, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Students are required to take the annual national unified graduate school entrance examination for the preliminary examination, and the re-examination is held in March each year, with new students enrolling in September. The graduation defense is arranged twice a year, in June and December respectively, and the graduation ceremony is arranged in June every year.

MBA Program: 0516-83591163

Address: Room B310, School of Economics and Management, China University of Mining and Technology, Nanhu Campus, No.1 University Road, Quanshan District, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, 221116, P.R.C.

Zip code: 221116