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Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration was founded in March 2024, which was formed by the merger of the former Department of Human Resource Management and the Department of Marketing Science. There are 35 full-time faculty members in the Department of Business Administration, including 3 special professors, 9 professors and doctoral supervisors, 15 associate professors, more than 70% of the faculty members have overseas visiting and further study experiences.

The main research directions are consumer behavior and sustainable development, organizational psychology and behavior, human resources and knowledge management, social media and big data marketing research. In the past five years, the Department of Business Administration has won more than20 national-level projects such as major projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China and surface projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and more than 40 provincial and ministerial-level projects, and published more than 50 papers in UTD24 and FT50 domestic and international authoritative journals, including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Knowledge Management, Nankai Management Review, Scientific Research, Management Review.

The Human Resource Management and Marketing (Digital Marketing) majorsunder theDepartment of Enterprise Administration are both national first-class majors, and have been awarded A-class majors by Soft Science for three consecutive years. With the new start, the Department of Business Administration actively practices the new business talent cultivation concept of integration and coherence, focuses on the cultivation of enterprise management talents in the era of digitalization and intelligence, andat the same timeprovidesstudentswith the 3+1 Chinese-foreign cooperative education bachelor's and master's degree through the training program, and the dual-degree management (human resource management, marketing) +economics (finance) multi-channel talent cultivation mode. In the past three years, the average employment rate of undergraduates of the Department of Business Administration is about 98%, and about 30% of students enter the top universities in their professional fields for further study every year, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-sen University, University of Science and Technology of China, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Birmingham, University of Manchester.

Graduates are widely active in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta enterprises (Jingdong, Tencent, Suning, ByteDance, NetEase, Huawei, HNA, Bank of China, Unicom, etc.) and government departments, engaging in human resource management, product management, new media operation, market data analysis, etc. Meanwhile, a number of graduates have established their foothold in the industry and realized their dreams through entrepreneurship.