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    SEM Holds 2025 Graduate Class Advisor Meeting

    Published on: November 1, 2024 Views:

    Meeting in Progress

    Zhao Jie Gives a Grade Report

    Deputy Secretary Sun Yunxiao Summarizes

    Attendees Engaging in Discussion


    To effectively advance employment, further education, and psychological support for the 2025 graduating class, and to assist and guide graduates in completing their academic requirements while addressing practical issues related to employment, mental health, financial aid, and postgraduate or civil service exams, the School of Economics and Management held a class advisor meeting for the 2025 graduating class. The meeting took place on the morning of October 30 in Room B419 of the school building. Attendees included Deputy Party Secretary Sun Yunxiao, full-time counselor for the 2021 cohort Zhao Jie, and advisors of the graduating classes.

    During the meeting, Zhao Jie provided a detailed analysis of the current status of the 2021 cohort. His report focused on key areas such as employment and further education, awards and recognitions, records for students in need, and Party and League development. He emphasized the ongoing implementation of a "broad coverage with precision" service strategy to deepen class culture, academic atmosphere, and organizational development. He highlighted the importance of addressing the needs of students facing academic, economic, and psychological challenges, aiming to promote their holistic development and ensure high-quality progress in employment support.

    Deputy Secretary Sun Yunxiao expressed gratitude to the advisors for their dedication and commended the achievements thus far. He stressed that given the current challenging employment landscape, additional efforts are required to provide comprehensive employment guidance and support, ensuring students can successfully complete their studies and secure satisfactory jobs. He particularly emphasized focusing on students struggling academically or with employment, providing targeted assistance and personalized guidance to help them overcome obstacles, graduate successfully, and integrate into society. This, he noted, is not only a responsibility toward individual students but also toward the broader educational mission. He urged advisors to approach their work with care, dedication, and effort.

    The attendees engaged in in-depth discussions on supporting students with academic difficulties, the status of undergraduates pursuing further education or employment, and other key issues.

    The successful conclusion of this meeting has laid a solid foundation for advancing the school’s work with graduating students. By conducting detailed analyses and discussions, the graduating class advisors clarified the key priorities and directions for the next phase. The team plans to continuously enhance and refine service methods, improve the student service system, and strive to provide precise, efficient, and thoughtful support in academic guidance, employment assistance, psychological counseling, and financial aid.


    Author and Photographer: Wang Haoran
    Proofreading: Li Jingyi
    Editor: Zhao Jie
    Reviewer: Sun Yunxiao