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    SEM Organized the 2023 Yueqi Forum for International Young Scholars

    Published on: October 27, 2023 Views:

    On the afternoon of October 25, SEM successfully held the 2023 China University of Mining and Technology International Young Scholars "Yueqi Forum" Economics and Management Sub-forum. The forum took the form of combining offline and online, and 34 outstanding young scholars from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Nanjing University, Wuhan University, City University of Hong Kong, University College London, etc., Secretary of the Party Committee of SEM, Li Xinchun, Vice Dean Ding Zhihua, Wang Delu, Zhu Xiaodong, and the heads of each disciplines, deans of faculties, and representatives of young teachers participated in the forum.

    Economics and management sub-forum according to the participating scholars of the first level of discipline is divided into three venues synchronized, the SEM leaders expressed a warm welcome to the participating scholars, the head of disciplines introduced the SEM from the aspects of history, discipline development, professional development, faculty and staff. The participating scholars made personal reports on their personal situation, research fields, academic achievements and so on. Finally, the two sides discussed and exchanged views on research planning, talent attraction and treatment, faculty training, support policies, etc., and reached a preliminary intention of introduction with more than ten scholars, which achieved good results.

    Management Science and Engineering Session

    Business Administration Session

    Applied Economics Session

    Written by Sun Limei

    Photographs by Shi Shijing

    Confirmed by Zhu Xiaodong