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    SEM Participates in the Third Meeting of the Fourth Council of the Alumni Association and the 2024 Alumni Work Symposium

    Published on: May 21, 2024 Views:

    On the morning of May 19, the third meeting of the fourth council of the Alumni Association of CUMT was held in Taiyuan. The event was attended by President and Alumni Association President Song Xuefeng, Vice President and Executive Vice President of the Alumni Association Li Qiang, Deputy Minister of the Shanxi Provincial United Front Work Department Chen Xuzhong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Shanxi Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau Yang Chunquan, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Mayor of Jinzhong Municipal People's Government Liang Yanping, and Vice President of the Shanxi Provincial Federation of Alumni Associations of Universities Outside Shanxi, Li Xinyan. Over 240 attendees, including council members of the fourth council, representatives of advanced collectives and individuals in alumni work from 2021 to 2023, honorary alumni, donors, representatives of alumni organizations under preparation, Shanxi alumni, and other enthusiastic alumni from various regions, participated in the event.

    SEM was represented by Vice Dean Zhu Xiaodong, MBA Alumni Association President Nie Rui, Secretary General Chen Yong, and alumni office staff member Qiao Yidan. The meeting was chaired by Zhong Xiaodong, Director of the Office of External Cooperation and Development and Secretary General of the Alumni Association.

    During the meeting, Li Qiang, on behalf of the fourth council, presented a report on the work of the Alumni Association, the overall arrangements for the 115th anniversary celebration of the university, and reflections on future work. Yang Chunquan provided a detailed introduction to Shanxi's history, culture, natural resources, industrial structure, and future cooperation prospects. Liang Yanping highlighted the pragmatic cooperation between the university and Shanxi in areas such as coal production, mine safety, and the energy revolution. Li Xinyan shared the mission and goals of the Shanxi Federation of Alumni Associations of Universities Outside Shanxi, expressing the hope for deeper understanding and stronger ties with the Alumni Association to elevate alumni work to a higher level.

    President Song Xuefeng extended a warm welcome to the council members and alumni attending the meeting. He expressed his hope that alumni at home and abroad will continue to support the university's development. He called for alumni organizations to unite and harness broader alumni networks, fostering more frequent and closer connections between the university and its alumni, and contributing to building a world-class university with distinctive energy and resource characteristics.

    The meeting reviewed and approved the newly added members of the fourth council. Commendations for advanced collectives and individuals were announced, with our school recognized as an Advanced Unit in Alumni Work. The MBA Alumni Association received the Advanced Organization award, while Qiao Yidan was honored as an Advanced Individual in Alumni Work, and Chen Yong as an Advanced Individual in Alumni Organization. Vice Dean Zhu Xiaodong delivered a speech as a representative of advanced units.

    In the afternoon, the 2024 Alumni Work Symposium of our university was successfully held. Centered around the theme "Reflections and Practices on Alumni Economy in the New Era," the symposium featured discussions and exchanges among more than 70 participants.

    Group Photo of Representatives

    SEM Recognized as an Advanced Unit in Alumni Work

    Vice Dean Zhu Xiaodong’s Speech as Advanced Unit Representative

    MBA Alumni Association Recognized as an Advanced Organization

    Qiao Yidan Honored as an Advanced Individual in Alumni Work

    MBA Alumni Association Secretary General Chen Yong Recognized as an Advanced Individual in Alumni Organization


    Source: Zhao Bin, Sheng Wei, Qiao Yidan
    Photography: Taiyuan Alumni Association
    Editor: Wang Lianghong
    Reviewed by: Zhu Xiaodong