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    The 30th Graduation Anniversary of CUMT 89 Class

    Published on: September 18, 2023 Views:

    The 30th Graduation Anniversary of CUMT 89 Class

    Group photo of the Entire 89 Class

    Group photo of School of Economics and Trade 89 Class

    Meeting of Ceremony

    On the morning of October 2, the 30th graduation anniversary of 89 class was held in Mingde Auditorium of Nanhu Campus. The CUMT President and President of the Alumni Association Song Xuefeng, Vice President and Executive Vice President of the Alumni Association Li Qiang, Vice President Bian Zhengfu and Zhang Jixiong attended the meeting. 380 alumni of the 89th class and their families, leaders of the relevant colleges and departments participated in the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Long Jingkui, a former 89 classmate of the Mining and Construction Department.

    In his speech, Song Xuefeng extended a warm welcome to all the alumni and their families, acknowledged the positive contributions made by the alumni to the economic and social development of the country in all walks of life, and appreciated their efforts and dedication to support the development of their alma mater. He introduced the development of the university in recent years and its achievements in talent cultivation, scientific and technological innovation, social service, foreign exchange and cooperation. He pointed out that these achievements could not have been made without the enthusiastic support and help of alumni, and hoped that alumni would continue to strengthen their ties and cooperation with their alma mater, continue to offer suggestions for the reform and development of the university, support the construction and development of their alma mater, and actively contribute to the creation of a world-class university of energy and resource characteristics.

    Jiang Yongtao from SEM

    Xiong Zhizhong, a member of the preparatory team of the activity of returning to school after 30 years of graduation of the class of 89, and a former classmate of the Coalfield Geology Department of the 89 class, reported the preparations for this activity. On behalf of our alumni, Mr. Jiang Yongtao, a former 89 classmate of Economics and Trade College, shared his life experiences and insights in the past 30 years after graduation, and recounted his feelings for his alma mater and the friendship between teachers, students and classmates.

    Liu Yanqiu from SEM performs "Cheers Friends".

    Economics and Trade College 89 Class Alumni Perform Chorus of “A Big River”

    In order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the graduation of the 89 class, the returning 89 class and the current university students elaborately prepared a cultural program. The university students brought the instrumental ensemble "Miracle" and the song "My Home in China University of Mining", while the 89 classmates brought the poem recitation "Motherland", the triple phrase "Gathering in the Alma Mater", the solo song "Cheers Friends" and the chorus "A Big River".

    scene of the symposium

    scene of the symposium

    Donation Ceremony

    On the afternoon of October 2, a symposium on 30 years of graduation for the 89 class of the School of Economics and Trade was held in Conference Room B503. Li Xinchun, dean of the School of Economics and Management, Zhu Xiaodong, administrative vice president, Wang Lianghong, director of the Office of Alumni and External Liaison Work and more than 30 alumni attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Li Kaifeng, a classmate of Accounting 89 and now head of the Department of Finance. After the meeting, a donation ceremony was held in B210, displaying the health management all-in-one machine donated by the classmates. In the evening of October 2, the 89 classmates held a dinner for the 30th year homecoming activities, inviting the leaders of the School and relevant teachers to talk about their alma mater's feelings and the friendship between teachers, students and classmates.

    The alumni homecoming activity for 30 years after graduation has been organized since 2012, and has been successfully held nine times so far. This activity has been fully supported by the university leaders, departments and colleges, and has now become one of the brand programs of alumni activities of the university, as well as an important part of campus culture. The 30-year graduation homecoming activity makes the communication and connection between alumni and between alumni and the alma mater further strengthened, and the alumni cultural inheritance can be sustained and deepened, which provides a constant impetus for the construction and development of the university.

    News source: Department of Foreign Cooperation and Development - Sheng Wei, Luo Xi

    Alumni Office of School of Economics and Management - Qiao Yidan

    Photographs by Sun Lu and Cai Yongzhen