Journal Articles
1.Zhenyu Guo, Xiaoping Wei, Defang Zhao, A Study on Resource Tax Policy to Stimulate Energy Saving and Emission Reduction in Resource Extraction Industry – 2.Taking China's Coal Industry as an Example. Economic Issues. 2014(11):63-69.
Zhenyu Guo, Xiaoping Wei, Exploratory Analysis in Coal Resource Tax Policy Options, Statistics and Decision Making, 2014,24(12):61-63.
3.Zhenyu Guo,Xiaoping Wei,Ming Cao,On the Incentive and Constraint Effect of Resource Tax Policy to the Promotion of Coal Inter-temporal Mining Recovery Ratio,Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2014,32(4):2319-2326.
Research on the impact of resource tax on enterprises' mineral resources exploitation behavior and the regulatory mechanism. Supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education(Project approval number:17YJC630033), CNY 80,000, ongoing research, presided over.
1. Zheng Aihua, Xie Mei, Guo Zhenyu, Huang Lei, Management Accounting, China Machine Press, 2020
2. Zheng Aihua, Xie Mei, Guo Zhenyu, Huang Lei, Guide to Management Accounting, China Machine Press, 2020
Video Courses
1. Management accounting, wisdom Tree
2. Management Accounting, Online learning platform for continuing education of China University of Mining and Technology
Teaching Reform Projects
1. Research and Practice of Bilingual Teaching Demonstration Course Construction of International Accounting, school-level Education Reform Project (Project Approval number: 2013Y25)
2. Construction of Online Open Course of Management Accounting, School-level Education Reform Project (2021ZX10)