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Master Programs

Academic Master

Applied Economics   First-level Discipline

In 2010, the first-level discipline of Applied Economics was authorized to confer the first-level master's degree. It consists of four secondary disciplines, namely, Finance, Quantitative Economics, Industrial Economics and International Trade, and was awarded the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Key Discipline Construction Cultivation of China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) in 2011. The discipline tracks the frontiers of applied economics and carries out scientific research and social service activities focusing on national major strategies and important economic issues, and has formed certain characteristics and advantages in the directions of energy economic theory and methodology, environmental economic theory and policy, industrial organization theory and application, monetary policy and fiscal policy, green finance and low-carbon economy, etc., and has strong teaching and scientific research capabilities. It has distinctive features and advantages in talent cultivation, scientific research and social service.

Management Science and Engineering   First-level Discipline

The discipline of management science and engineering was established in 1953, formally enrolled undergraduates in 1954, granted the right to confer master's degree in 1981, and the right to confer doctoral degree in 1986, and was recognized as a key discipline at the ministerial level in 1995, and became one of the earliest 15 post-doctoral research stations in China in 1998, and was recognized as the only key discipline in Jiangsu Province in 2002, and selected as the only national key discipline cultivation point of the discipline in Jiangsu Province in 2005, and selected as a key discipline in Jiangsu Province in 2011 and 2016 in the 12th and 13th Five-Year Plan. In 2005, it was selected as the only national key discipline cultivation point in Jiangsu Province, and in 2011 and 2016, it was selected as the key discipline of Jiangsu Province in the 12th Five-Year Plan and 13th Five-Year Plan, and ranked 19th in the assessment of 102 universities with this discipline by the Academic Degree and Postgraduate Development Center of the Ministry of Education in 2012. In 2012, the Ministry of Education Degree and Postgraduate Development Center of 102 universities with this discipline ranked 19th in the country, entering the top 20%, in 2018, Management Science and Engineering became an advantageous discipline in Jiangsu Province, and in 2021, the Ministry of Education of the fifth round of disciplinary assessment was rated as B+. The discipline has one returnee innovation team of the Ministry of Education, one excellent discipline echelon of Jiangsu Province's "Blue and Blue Project", and one excellent innovation team of philosophy and social sciences in Jiangsu Province's colleges and universities. In 2022, the industrial engineering specialty of management science and engineering was approved as a "first-class" specialty construction point of the country and Jiangsu Province. In 2022, the industrial engineering specialty of management science and engineering (engineering) will be approved as a national and Jiangsu Province "first-class" specialty construction point.

Business Administration   First-level Discipline

Business Administration was approved to confer master's degree in 2010, and is a key construction discipline of China University of Mining and Technology. It enrolls academic master's degree in three second-level disciplines, namely, Accounting (1993), Business Management (1998) and Technical Economics and Management (2000), and owns professional master's degree programs, such as MBA (accredited by AMBA International Certification), MPAcc, etc. It is the core support discipline of Jiangsu Energy Economy Management Research Base, Jiangsu Safety Management Research Center, and Jiangsu International Energy Policy Research Center. The first-level discipline of business administration is the core support discipline of Jiangsu Energy Economy and Management Research Base, Jiangsu Safety Management Research Center and Jiangsu International Energy Policy Research Center, and it has two excellent innovation teams of Jiangsu Province in Energy Resource Management and Occupational Safety and Health Management and Policy, an experimental zone of the Ministry of Education of China for professional practice and innovation mode in accounting and a demonstration center for experimental teaching of economic management in Jiangsu Province. There are 56 full-time teachers in the discipline, including 14 professors and 30 associate professors, 90.7% of whom have doctoral degrees, and nearly 50% of whom are under 45 years old. The department has cultivated 4 national talents such as national candidates of "One Hundred Million Talents Project", young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions to the country, experts with special subsidies from the State Council and national excellent teachers, and 16 provincial and ministerial-level talents such as "333 Project", "Green and Blue Project", and "Talents in Social Sciences" in Jiangsu Province. The university has trained 16 provincial and ministerial-level talents, and one winner of Sun Yueqi Energy Science and Technology Award.

Specialized Master

Engineering Management

School of Economics and Management MEM graduate student enrollment areas include logistics engineering and management, industrial engineering and management and project management three professional areas, the relevant specialties rely on the advantages of the discipline of management science and engineering, drawing on the experience of famous universities at home and abroad engineering management program, and actively carry out scientific research and exploration, the pursuit of academic excellence, and gradually formed with the needs of China's economic and social development, and attach importance to the cultivation of innovation ability and practical education. It has gradually formed a research system of engineering management and a distinctive discipline development mode which is in line with the needs of China's economic and social development and emphasizes the cultivation of innovation ability and practical education. Meanwhile, the university has cultivated a group of innovative talents with both engineering and management skills who are popular among enterprises. Graduates are widely employed in multinational corporations, wholly foreign-funded enterprises, Chinese-foreign joint ventures, large state-owned enterprises and domestic famous private enterprises; the industry covers a wide range of fields, including manufacturing, service industry, information industry, construction industry, mining industry, government and education departments. There are more than 70 postgraduate tutors in the program, including 21 professors, 49 associate professors, 100% of the teachers with doctoral degrees, and more than 30 part-time tutors from enterprises. There are 220 sets of experimental instruments and equipments, with total assets of more than 8 million yuan, and a total laboratory area of about 500 m2. The program has set up ERP laboratory, system simulation laboratory, warehousing and logistics laboratory, human factors engineering laboratory and virtual reality laboratory, and the experiments offered cover the main professional courses. In recent years, more than 50 MEM postgraduates are enrolled every year.