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    CUMT SEM · Academic Forum (5) Reflections on Research Work

    Published on: April 19, 2024 Views:

    Youth Faculty Development Forum

    Professor Niu Huawei
    Professor, SEM, CUMT

    Time: April 24th, 14:30-15:00
    Venue: Room B503, SEM
    Host: Professor Chen Feiyu, Director of Academic Affairs and Talent Office, SEM

    [Lecture Topic]
    Reflections on Research Work

    Expert Introduction

    • Niu Huawei obtained his bachelor's degree from Nanjing University of Science and Technology and is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at SEM, CUMT. He was selected for the Jiangsu "High-level Talent Program," the Jiangsu "Qinglan Project," and has been recognized as an outstanding young faculty member at the university level.

    • His primary research interests include financial engineering, credit risk, corporate finance, and their combined applications. He has presided over several national-level projects under the National Natural Science Foundation and projects supported by the Jiangsu Social Science Foundation. He has published independently as the sole or first author in journals such as Economic Modelling, Quantitative Finance, Empirical Economics, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, Nonlinearity,  Management Science Journal, China Management Science, Systems Engineering Theory and Practice, Systems Engineering, Journal of Finance and Economics, among others.

    • Many of his papers have been published in SCI and SSCI journals. He has participated in major conferences held by INFORMS, FMA, and the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering, and has won several awards for research achievements, including top-level prizes for advanced scientific research in management and engineering.

    • Currently,  he serves as a member (and secretary) of the Energy System Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering and a review expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He is also a reviewer for journals including Economic Modelling, International Review of Financial Analysis, Energy Economics, Management Science Journal,  Economic Science (Quarterly), China Management Science, and Transportation Management, among others.