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Tian Jiarui



2017-2023 Ph.D. in Economic (Econometrics)

                  University of Canterbury

2014-2017 M.A. in Management (Economic Quality Management)

                  Wuhan University

2010-2014 B.A. in Finance

                  Wuhan University


2023-present Lecturer, China University of Mining and Technology


Government green procurement: Government green procurement (GGP) practices have been recognized as an effective policy tool for sustainable production and consumption. However, the adoption of GPP practices, especially in developing countries, remains a problematic issue.

ESG rating: The environmental, social and governance (ESG) information of listed companies has always been emphasized by the capital market in the international arena, and a more mature ESG investment and rating system has been developed, and along with the entry of A-shares into the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK), the domestic ESG ratings have also shown an increasing trend of concern.

Digitization of international trade: Trade digitalization plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficacy of border controls and trade administration procedures, thereby reducing trade costs and fortifying the resilience of global supply chains.