Journal Articles
1. Ye, X. F., Ren, S., Chadee, D., & Wang, Z. N. (2020). 'The canary in the coal mine': A multi-level analysis of the role of hope in managing safety performance of underground miners. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 121-134.
2. Ye, X. F., Ren, S., Li, X. C., & Wang, Z. N. (2020). The mediating role of psychological capital between perceived management commitment and safety behavior. Journal of Safety Research, 72, 29-40.
3. Ye, X. F., Cai, S. H., & Wang, Z. N. (2021). The effect of abusive supervision on safety behavior of Chinese underground miners: a multi-level moderated mediation analysis. Chinese Management Studies, 4(4): 1-17
4. Ye, X. F., Cai, S. H., Li, X. C., & Wang, Z. N. (2022). How and when top management green commitment facilitates employees green behavior: A multilevel moderated mediation mode. Chinese Management Studies, 2022, 8
Books and Chapters
Ye Xinfeng, The Influence of safety climate on miners' Safety behavior: A perspective of integrating psychological capital and work stress, China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2016
1. 2020- 2022, Study on the mechanism of safety behavior of employees in the high-risk enterprises from a perspective of self-reflective, National Natural Science Foundation Project, (Grant: 71904188), 185 thousand, In research, host.
2. 2019-2021, Research on multilevel mechanism of self-reflection on miners' safety behavior, Humanities and Social Sciences Program of Ministry of Education, (Grant: 19YJC630203), 80 thousand, Finished, host.