Journal Articles
1. Wang, Z., Doren, C., Cai, S., and Ren, S. (2022). Enterprise level responses to environmental institutional pressure: Focus on legitimization strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 135148.
2. Wang, Z., Guan, C., and Ren, S. (2022). How authentic leadership affects green creativity: The role of self-reflection and psychological capital. Chinese Management Studies, 2022.
3. Wang, Z., Guan, C., Ren, S., and Cai, S. (2022). Workplace ostracism and team members' creativity: The mediating role of self-reflection and moderating role of high-involvement work practices. Journal of Management & Organization, 2022, 1-19.
4. Wang, Z., Cui, T., Cai, S., and Ren, S. (2022). How and when high-involvement work practices influence employee innovative behavior. International Journal of Manpower, 2022, 43(5): 1221-1238.
5. Wang, Z., Ren, S., and Meng, L. (2022). High-performance work systems and thriving at work: The role of cognitive appraisal and servant leadership. Personnel Review, 2022, 51(7):1749-1771.
6. Wang, Z., Cui, T., and Cai, S. (2022). How and when team reflexivity influences employee innovative behavior. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2022, 37(1): 61-75.
7. Wang, Z., Cui, T., Cai, S., and Ren, S. (2022). Team reflexivity, individual intellectual capital and employee innovative behavior: a multilevel moderated mediation. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2022, 23(6): 1276-1295.
8. Wang, Z., Chen, Y., Ren, S., Collins, N., Cai, S., and Rowley, C. (2021). Exploitative leadership and employee innovative behaviour in China: a moderated mediation framework. Asia Pacific Business Review, 2021, 1-18.
9. Wang, Z., Ren, S., Chadee, D., and Sun, C. (2021). The influence of exploitative leadership on hospitality employees’ green innovative behavior: A moderated mediation model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2021, 99: 1-10.
10. Wang, Z., Guan, C., Cui, T., Cai, S., and Liu, D. (2021). Servant leadership, team reflexivity, coworker support climate, and employee creativity: A multilevel perspective. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 2021, 28(4), 465-478.
11. Wang, Z., Cai, S., Liang, H., Wang, N., and Xiang, E. (2021). Intellectual capital and firm performance: the mediating role of innovation speed and quality. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2021, 32(6), 1222-1250.
12. Wang, Z., Sun, C., and Cai, S. (2021). How exploitative leadership influences employee innovative behavior: the mediating role of relational attachment and moderating role of high-performance work systems. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2021, 42(2): 233-248.
13. Wang, Z., Bu, X., and Cai, S. (2021). Core self-evaluation, individual intellectual capital and employee creativity. Current Psychology, 2021, 40(3), 1203-1217.
14. Wang, Z., Ren, S., Chadee, D., Liu, M., and Cai, S. (2021). Team reflexivity and employee innovative behavior: the mediating role of knowledge sharing and moderating role of leadership. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2021, 25(6): 1619-1639.
15. Wang, Z., Meng, L., Cai, S., and Jiang, L. A. (2020). Work reflection during leisure time and employee creativity: The role of psychological capital. Journal of Management & Organization, 2020, 1-13.
16. Wang, Z., Cai, S., Liu, M., and Meng, L. (2020). The effects of self-reflection on individual intellectual capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2020, 21(6), 1107-1124.
17. Wang, Z., Meng, L., and Cai, S. (2019). Servant leadership and innovative behavior: a moderated mediation. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2019, 34 (8):505-518.
18. Wang, Z., Liu, D., and Cai, S. (2019). Self-reflection and employee creativity: The mediating role of individual intellectual capital and the moderating role of concern for face. Chinese Management Studies, 2019, 13(4): 895-917.
19. Zhining Wang*, Lijun Meng, Shaohan Cai. Servant leadership and innovative behavior: a moderated mediation[J]. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2019, Available online. (SSCI)
20. Zhining Wang*, Dandan Liu, Shaohan Cai. Self-Reflection and Employee Creativity[J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2019, Accepted, Available online. (SSCI)
21. Zhining Wang*, ShaoHan Cai, Huigang Liang, Nianxin Wang, Erwei Xiang. Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation Speed and Quality[J]. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2018, Accepted, Available online. (SSCI)
22. Zhining Wang*, Xing Bu, Shaohan Cai. Core Self-evaluation, Individual Intellectual Capital and Employee Creativity[J]. Current Psychology, 2018, Accepted, Available online. (SSCI)
23. Zhining Wang*, Pratyush Nidhi Sharma, Jinwei Cao. From Knowledge Sharing to Firm Performance: A Predictive Model Comparison [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2016, 69(10):4650-4658. (SSCI)
24. Zhining Wang*, Nianxin Wang, Jinwei Cao, Xinfeng Ye. The Impact of Intellectual Capital-Knowledge Management Strategy Fit on Firm Performance[J]. Management Decision, 2016,54(8):1861-1885. (SSCI)
25. Zhining Wang, Lijun Meng. The Multilevel Influence of Team Reflexivity on Employee Creativity [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2018, Accepted, Available online. (CSSCI)
26. Zhining Wang, Dandan Liu, Xinfeng Ye. Self-reflection and Employee Creativity: A Moderated Mediation Model [J]. Enterprise Economy, 2018, (12): 115-122. (CSSCI-E)
27. Zhining Wang, Xuejuan Liu, Xinfeng Ye. An Exploratory Research on the Conceptual Structure of Confucian Introspection Based on Grounded Theory [J]. Chinese Journal of Management, 2017,14(6): 798-805. (CSSCI)
28. Zhining Wang, Fang Gao, Xinfeng Ye. How does Supervisor Developmental Feedback Influence Individual Creativity? - A Mediated Moderation Model [J]. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2017, (6): 88-97. (CSSCI)
29. Zhining Wang, Fang Gao, Xinfeng Ye. Review on Creativity Research: Concept, Measurement and Influence Factors [J]. Journal of CUMT (Social Sciences), 2016, 18(1): 55-67. (CSSCI-E)
Books and Chapters
Zhining Wang, Inspiration from Confucian Introspection on Management, China Financial & Economic Publishing House, 2017
1. 2023-2026, General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (72271231) : "Workplace self-reflection from the perspective of bilateral needs: research on construction, trigger mechanism and value activation effect".
2. 2019-2022, General Project of Social Science Research Fund of Jiangsu Province (19GLB014) : Mechanism and Countermeasures of Confucian introspection affecting employee Creativity.
3. 2017-2020, The Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund of the Ministry of Education of China (17YJA630104).
4. 2019-2020, Social Sciences Research Fund of Jiangsu Province: A Study on the Mechanism and Countermeasures of the Influence of Confucian Introspection on Employees' Creativity (Grant No. 19GLB014).
5. 2017-2019, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund of Ministry of Education: Research on the Realization Mechanism of Middle Managers' Creativity Based on Confucian Introspection (Grant No. 17YJA630104).
6. 2016-2018. Key Projects on Research and Practice of Postgraduate Education and Teaching Reform in Jiangsu Province: AL & EL Model-based Research on Cultivation of the Creativity of MBA Candidates under the Guidance of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Grant No. JGZZ16_079).
7. 2014-2016, National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the Realization Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing-oriented Commercial Value Based on Situational Analysis (Grant No. 71302140).
8. 2014-2016, Special Fund of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Realization of Knowledge Sharing-oriented Commercial Value under Context Perspective (Grant No. 2014T70565).
9. 2012-2014, Youth Fund of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education: Research on the Influencing Mechanism and Countermeasure of Knowledge Sharing on Multi-stage Growth of Enterprises (Grant No. 11YJC630218).
10. 2012-2013, General Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Research on the Realization Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing-oriented Commercial Value (Grant No. 2012M511820).